Friday, March 11, 2011

Myths about Women Sexual Satisfaction

Myths about Women Sexual Satisfaction

For millions of years, society has brushed aside the sexual needs of women. Moral, social and religious boundaries have prevented them from openly talking about this topic. It has been labeled as “woman talk”, which most men would not feel the need to even listen or talk about.  Research within the field of sexual health has proven that sexual dissatisfaction in women is a major cause of decreased self-image, decreased self-confidence, long lasting sadness and mental restlessness.

Like with all topics related to sex, this one also has a bunch of myths attached to it. The purpose of this article is an attempt to help people fight those myths and find a healthier and satisfied sexual self.

1. Women don't have Sexual Desires
One of the most common mistakes that most men make is that women need to have sex when they want to have sex.
Men are governed by hormone testosterone. Any audio-visual trigger can increase testosterone levels in blood and ignite their sexual needs. At this moment they feel their partner will enjoy sex as much as they would.

Women are different. They aren’t “turned on” all the time. Very common life process like house-hold work, related fatigue, monthly menstrual cycle or daily stress might have them "turned off".

A good lover is he
a. who wants to have sex when his women wants to have sex, 
b. can emotionally and physically arouse his women to want to have sex when he wants it
c. knows when to restrain himself from demading sex.

2. The coveted G-spot
The concept of G-spot is most misunderstood and over-rated myth about women sexual health. The G-spot is the highest pleasure center within the female vagina. Unfortunately a great majority of women get such strong orgasms upon stimulation of the G-spot that its either extremely painful, they might urinate or feel extremely uncomfortable.

A man instead of aiming to hit the G-spot, should try and understand his woman’s orgasmic needs. A simple discussion can tell if a G-spot orgasm or a simple orgasm is preferable by the lady.

3. Orgasm – real or fake?
Most men like to pronounce their victory in bed by “watching their partners reach orgasm”.
The reality - many times a woman might just fake the orgasm to please her partner.
Women understand that Sex is an ego-booster for their male partners. And pretend to have an orgasm even when they haven’t reach near the climax.

Certain common conditions, which are normally overlooked by men, and which prevent a woman from reaching an orgasm are performance anxiety, excessive mental restlessness, hormonal changes, menstrual cycles, urinary infections, headaches, high levels of stress or clinical depression.
No matter how good a lover a man might be, if he doesn’t address these, he will never be able to satisfy his woman.

This doesn’t mean you are a bad lover! But means you aren’t a concerned lover.

Remember Don’t go by the facial expressions to proclaim victory in bed.  Listen, be a little careful and use positive actions to let her pronounce your victory with whole body, heart and soul. 

4. Women like men need an orgasm to feel satisfied.
This might be one of the biggest myths about sexual health.

Porn movies teach men that an orgasm or multiple orgasms are the only way for a woman to be satisfied.
Unfortunately every woman has her own radius of satisfaction. Satisfaction is mostly dependent on “feeling wanted and loved” thru actions. While some love kissing, hugging and caressing, other prefer foreplay, some love oral sex and others just slow penetration.

If you are able to discover the acts of affection that satisfy your women and combine that within your exercise of sexual intercourse, you will have a perfect love making session.

5. Sexual fantasies are not wrong.
Men and women both have secret sexual fantasies that they enjoy within the deepest corners of their mind. They might never discuss about the same with their partners out of “respect” or fear of annoying the partner.

Most of times, men and women discuss these with their counter parts from the same sex. This not only makes up for a great topic of discussion but also helps release the sexual-tension caused by increased sexual desire due to the sexual fantasy.

If you can have so much fun discussing it with your friends, then imagine how much sexual fun you can have by discussing and enacting it with your  partner.

Thanks for reading

Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS,PGDPM, MBPS, MD(mindmantra))

Motivational Speaker - Mind Trainer –
Emotional, Behavioral, Sleep, Memory and Sexual Health Consultant at Mind Mantra.
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1 comment:

  1. yes sir in india specially male are dominating character and find himself superior in case of having interaction with spouse or sm1 else .
    but he should also understand desire and exceptions of opposite sex too .

    and about fantasizing i dnt find is there anything wrong with it
