Friday, July 15, 2011

Female - Inability to achieve Satisfaction?

In India Sexual problems in Women largely go unnoticed as they are either shared with friends or gynecologists. In both cases just a "pep talk" is offered in name of counseling or treatment. It's a reality that upto 20% of divorces are due to curable sexual problems in one of the partners. One of the commonest problems is in achieving an Orgasm or attaining a climax during sexual intercourse. 

Why is an Orgasm or climax needed?
The initiation of a sexual act drives the body of both males and females to release a lot of hormones. An orgasm is the complete utilization of these hormones to positively stimulate the entire brain-body mechanisms. Inability to achieve an orgasm or climax leads to a lot of free floating hormones that lead to negative stimulation of the brain-body, leading to excessive irritation, anxiety, anger, stomach troubles, increased heart beat, lack of happiness and clinical depression.

How does inability to achieve orgasm affect a relationship?
Every human being looks for sexual satisfaction. Inability to attain so, many women might withdraw from having physical intimacy with there husbands and achieve the same through external help like masturbation.
Lack of satisfactory physical relationship puts a major strain over the relationship as both the partners drift away from each other causing minor issues to become major fights between them. In many cases the fights increase to such an extent that it leads to divorce.

The most common reason for this is:
While men get pleasure from stimulation of Penis, women get the same from stimulation of clitoris. Most women who complain of incomplete sexual intercourse, happen to receive a lesser than normal stimulation of the clitoris.
Unfortunately due to popular belief and lack of information, many woman (from housewives, to lawyers to bankers) tend to blame their male partners for sexual incompetence.
Men who are refereed to as "superman in bed" are natural subconscious practitioners of complete clitoris stimulation. 

1. Sex Positions- One of the most common reasons is sex-positions. Most people never experiment with their sex positions. A couple should find a sex position that's adequate to make sexual intercourse physically enjoyable and psychologically fulfilling for both partners.

So here are some sex positions that might help- 

1. A face-to-face position, but the man 'rides much higher' than he would in the missionary position so that his shoulders and head are about six inches higher up the bed than normal.
What this means is that his penis doesn't go all the way into the vagina. Instead, the stem or root of it is pulled hard against the clitoris – producing great sensations in that all-important little organ.

2. Woman on top position - The man lies down on his back. The sits down on his penis. Then, in her own time, she gradually lowers herself onto it. Giving her the freedom to adjust according to full clitorial stimulation.
3. Double Stimulation - It requires prior agreement by both partners. A manual clitorial stimulation by the male or female is done along with penial penetration of the vagina.
The male partner is normally standing while woman is lying down to perform this in unison.

4. The spoons position
A woman sidewise while the man makes a vagina entry from the rear side. Like a spoon next to a spoon.

There's no right or wrong way to have sex with a partner but it should be an exercise that helps in complete physical, emotional and psychological sexual satisfaction of both partners.

2. Relaxed Mind
Many times a woman's mind is occupied with excessive thoughts at the time of initiating sexual act. This confuses the subconscious mind and it leads to complete closure and withdrawal from the sexual act.

Sexual satisfaction is a birth right of every individual. Happiness can never be achieved without the same. It's better to consult a good professional and get the right information than leading a life of sadness and despair.

I can be contacted at

Dr.Hemant MittaL(MBBS, PG.DPM, M.D.(Mind Mantra Wellness Concepts - Mumbai))
(Specialize in Emotional, Behavioural, Sleep, Memory, Concentration and Sexual Health)
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6 foods that help you boost your sex life

They say sex is a great stressbuster. They are right because love-making has been found to relive the pressure of the burdens of life, ease stress, soothe chronic aches and pains, spur creativity and rev up the energy levels.
Experts say that anything that makes you feel good, alive and physically excited will make you feel as if you've shed years. And all these things are associated with sex.
You are probably aware of the basics of terrific sex, but let us suggest you a few aphrodisiacs which can add zing to your sex life.
1. Figs have been found to be brimming with minerals like magnesium, manganese and zinc and also Vitamin E. All of them can do wonders to spice up your sex life.

2. The flashy-red watermelons contain a substance called citrulline, which sends the body the signals to release arginine, which relaxes blood vessels. This produces an effect similar to Viagra. And need we give you details about what Viagra does?

3. You've tried whiskly, you've tried wine but didn't feel the buzz. Pick a bottle of champagne and feel the difference. It enters the bloodstream faster than the wine does, so make sure you don't drink too much of it. Many champagnes have been found to have the same amount of antioxidants as red wine.

4. The Red Hot Chilli Peppers can bring out the hotness in you. They help recreate the symptoms of arousal: flushed cheeks, a quiver on your tongue, and more kissable lips. They also up the heat in the body.

5. Cheese releases 10 times more endorphins than the great ol' aphrodisiac - Chocolate. It will help you set the right mood.
6. Chocolate has been your trusted friend when it comes to having a great sex. You just need to maintain the bond. Its aphrodisiac property has been ascribed to two chemicals. One, tryptophan, which is the building block of serotonin, a brain chemical involved in sexual arousal. And two, phenyethylamine, a stimulant.
So the kind of food we gorge upon can do wonders with our sex life. Right food can make you positively sexual

(original article from

Follow me on Twitter -!/HemanttMittal 

Dr.Hemant Mittal
(MBBS,PGDPM, MBPS, MD(Mind Mantra wellness concepts))
Motivational Speaker - Mind Trainer – Emotional, Behavioral,
Sleep, Memory and Sexual Health Consultant at Mind Mantra. ( )

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Homosexuality - the dark battle for an identity and approval !!!

HOMOSEXUALITY - A social reality.
“ My parents want to get me married to a girl of their choice. The problem is that I have homosexual preferences. What should I do?” –  25yr, Businessman.

“I am ashamed doctor. My son has disgraced my family. 5 months ago we got him married.  For so long he never touched his wife. Yesterday we found out he is gay!!!  My son’s gay!!!! I am shattered!!! My name in the society is all gone now!!!” – 58yrs govt. Employee

“I got married 3yrs ago, but have never been happy with my husband. I am into a relationship with a building friend of mine. She and me are like soul-mates, now my husband wants to move away, I am so fearful of losing her” – 25yrs, Housewife

“Hello doctor, I have a dark secret which I haven’t shared with anyone. I am gay. I don’t know how I got this disease. Please help me” –  24yrs, Executive in MNC.

These are real life examples of individuals I have met in my clinic over the last few years.. Few out of the hundreds people who have consulted me secretly because they emotionally fail to battle the social stigma attached with their sexual orientation.

The Indian society is one that is evolving.
Thou over the years we have managed to battle many of our “illogical” orthodox belief systems, same-sex relationships are probably the biggest barrier that “neo” thinkers and social reformist face.

Science has already proved homosexuality to be a personal choice that doesn’t account for any mental illness.

What is homosexuality?Medically - Homosexuality is a emotional and behavioural pattern defined by sexual, romantic or affectional  attraction between members of the same sex/gender.

Popular view - Its one of the greatest sins one can create.

Is homosexuality more common in men?Medically - Homosexuality is equally present in men and women.

Popular view - people only concentrate on male homosexuality, forgetting about female behavior.

Is it a disease or mental disorder?Medically - No It’s nor a disease nor a disorder in case of pure homosexuals.
But in many it can be a psychological adaptation due to the environment.
Thousands of psychological studies,  CT-scan, MRI-scans have proven that homosexuality is not a disease or disorder.

Popular view- Yes

How does one become homosexual?Homosexuality is a personal choice, but how has the choice come into effect makes difference in entire profile of an individual.

1. Genetics – A pure homosexual individual, is one who is born with genetic code which directs the brain to follow homosexual relationships.

2. Childhood experience – sexual abuse or multiple episodes of same sex sexual interactions in childhood can condition the mind to favour same sex relationships.

3. Adolescence Curiosity – curiosity might lead an individual to read or watch materials related to homosexuality. This might leave an impact on the mind, creating a source of never ending thoughts related to the same. Constantly thinking about the same might ignite desire to experiment.

4.Living or Working Environment – an environment which is devoid of contact with the opposite sex makes expression of normal sexual desires difficult.
Single sex dominated environments like boys/girls Hostels, closed enclosures, working places (ships, oil rigs, military, construction), etc.

Even Peer group pressure  for same sex relationship is observed.

5.Failed relationships – A major failed relationship might imprint hatred against the opposite sex. Same sex relationships are seen as more comforting and understanding.
6. Poor Heterosexual sexual experience – Sexual intercourse is closely linked to the ego of an individual. Fear to perform, a poor or painful sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, might create extreme fear within an individual. This fear might promote an individual to go for same sex relationships.

We need the society to understand that Homosexuality is a sexual preference.
That doesn’t make a person different from any other individual.  He/She has the same emotions and physical desires as any other person.

Dr.Hemant Mittal - (MBBS,PGDPM, MBPS, MD(mindmantra))
Email Consultation-
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