Friday, June 18, 2010

5-simple ways to last longer in Bed

5 simple ways to last longer in bed

Ancient Hindu Manuscripts have timed and again mentioned that achieving a “satisfying orgasm” is experiencing nirvana (or eternal bliss) on earth. This has been proven by modern neuro-psychiatric medical researchers, who have found out that an “satisfying orgasm” triggers the releases of huge amounts of positive neuro-chemicals. These chemicals psychologically transport a person into a stage of blissful trance.

Now you might have noticed that I have emphasised on the word “satisfying orgasm”. A Satisfying orgasm is an essential sexual, psychological and physical necessity of every Individual.

A “Satisfying” orgasm can easily be described as a complete orgasm. It starts with sexual stimulation. This causes increased production of sexual hormones. These hormones start a set of emotional and psychological reactions that push the body towards having sex. If the process of sexual intercourse is consummated in a long lasting and mutually pleasurable way, it leads to the experience of nirvana or eternal bliss. A feeling so powerful that enhances the sexual pleasure from a few minutes to few hours or days.

It’s proven that 50-60% of sexual interactions don’t reach this stage of satisfaction. I personally have counselled around 1026 cases in my capacity as a sex therapist. The effects of this dissatisfaction are widespread through the entire spectrum of personal, professional and social well being.

The most common markers of such a problem are:
A. Female partner faking an orgasm to please their partner
B. Male partner having premature ejaculation.
C. Decreased interest in sexual act by one or both partners.
D. Increased anxiety related to sex.
E. Decreased communication and avoidance regarding the topic of physical closeness.

5 simple counselling tips, I have used with ultimate success in enlightening the sex life of nearly 960 couples over the last two years, are as following:

a. Talk Dirty- sex is more of a mental game than a physical game. It’s important to keep a continuous flow of positive sexual energy and sexual hormones much before actual the sexual act.
SMS, phone calls, emails, little naughty messages left next to the bed or under the pillow are amazing natural aphrodisiacs to spice up your sex life.

b. Spend time on foreplay- I have seen, an uncanny lack of knowledge about foreplay and its benefits among hundreds of educated couple.
In the classical Indian orthodox family culture, the trigger for sex, is based on the male partners desire. The female partner is reduced to just comply with his wishes.
The physical expression of love and affection, is reduced to a few minutes of rapid body strokes rather than a lengthy physical interaction.
The best way to increase your sexual pleasure is to increase your sexual interaction time not your sexual intercourse time.

c. Thought Control – The mind has a very bad thought-hoarding habit. It loves to stores as many thoughts and experiences it can. It also has a bad habit of bringing these thoughts out at the wrong time.
One of the major reason for failure in bed is due to continuously thinking about worldly issues.
If you have this problem, you can see the amazing change in your body and mind sexual experience if you learn thought-control. The easiest way is to use meditation 5min twice a day.

d. Sex Positions – 90% couples indulge in sex through the missionary position. Over a period of time, the body and mind become used to it, and looses pleasure in performing the same.
Positions like woman on top, penetrating from behind, spoons position, standing, sitting and kneeling are advisable to be followed.
A further spice can be added by utilizing pieces of furniture like chairs, sofa and tables instead of just the bed.
The most important point to keep in mind, is to find a position that’s comfortable and pleasurable for both.

e. Feed-Back- The only way to make a successful product is by understanding the consumers need. Similarly the best way to create the perfect sex is by getting and giving feedback to your partner.
I encourage couples who come to me for sex therapy, to find some little time alone during the week or month. The essential setting for this discussion require they are alone, NOT in their bed-room, and preferably with a piece of paper. (some couples love to take it as a date to discuss about sex).

They have to be truthful to each other, and the important headings of discussion should include:
i. Likes and dislikes of each other during the act
ii. Ideas for improving the act
iii. The most pleasurable sexual encounters they have had
iv. Any other topic related to their sexual life they want to add.

Practise and master these simple techniques. I assure you, your sexual life will illuminate your entire self. The happiness in your soul will heal all your physical and emotional problems.


Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS, PGDPM)
Neuro-Psychiatrist, sex therapist and Motivational Speaker

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Viagra- The Flight to Pleasure

The world of medicine is known more for it’s medications than the doctors. The natural resistance to take medicines is a universal phenomenon from mumbai to new york. One of the rare exceptions to this law, is Sildenafil Citrate or popularly known as Viagra. It’s one of the most sort out over-the-counter drugs in the world, with some estimating its annual sale to cross the billion dollar mark.

The best quality controlled preparation of this drug is available from the original manufacturer, Pfizer, under the its flagship brand name “Viagra”.

Today the aphrodisiac market is flooded with thousands of alternative herbal and allopathic preparations that secretly use it under the cover of various mixtures and nicknames.

1. How Does it Work?

It acts by inhibiting an enzyme ( a natural catalyst ) present in the penis. This causes muscle relaxation, which increases the inflow of blood into the spongy soft tissue of the penis causing an erection.

The catch lies in the fact, that this enzyme which is needed as base for it to act, is only produced when a healthy male is subjected to some form of sexual stimulation. Henceforth it cannot produce erection on its own. It requires a previous mental stimulation to be present.

2. What happens to it, once ingested?

After ingestion the drug is broken down into very simple particle. This happens at the level of the liver. When there is excess of it, in the blood circulation, its excreted out of the body through combined action of kidney and liver.

3. Commonly Used for?

a. Sexual dysfunction- it’s the gold standard drug for erectile dysfunction (inability to sustain a satisfactory erection during “sexual intercourse”.)

b. Aphrodisiac- its main popularity comes from the belief that it increases sexual desires, improves sexual performance and increases penis size
Thou many tests are still being performed onto the same, there is inconclusive scientific evidence to prove any of those.
It’s known to induce a feel-good effect that reduces sexual anxiety and improves sexual relationship among most of those using it.

c. Pulmonary hypertension- the drug is known to act at two places. One being the penis, other the respiratory system. When there is a lack of sexual excitement, the body diverts it towards usage in the respiratory system. It’s commonly used in a rare condition called pulmonary hypertension.

d. Altitude sickness- useful in treatment of respiratory problems at high-altitudes.

e. Sports-Since it increases blood flow and stimulates the respiratory system, its believed to help in increasing performance level in sportsmen. It’s widely prescribed for sports that require a lot of cardio-vascular activity.

f. Jet lag – new research shows its useful to overcome jet lag

4. How much viagra is sufficient?

Its available in strengths of 25, 50 and 100mg.
The dosing for erectile dysfunction is between 25mg to 100mg (to be decided after checkup of Blood pressure, liver profile and kidney profile)

Should be taken within the limit period of 30min to 4hrs prior of sexual intercourse.
The safety parameter suggest usage not more than once every 48hrs.

5. Who should avoid it?

a. Men with cardiac problems
b. Chronic alcholoics or addicts to psychotropic drugs
c. A person who has already had one heart attack
d. Patient with liver problems
e. Patient with kidney problems.
f. Patient of low blood pressure

6. Common Side-effects?

the most common adverse effects include:

b. nasal congestion
c. acidity
d. increased blood circulation
c. impaired vision - photophobia and blurred vision. These effects are transient.

serious adverse effects :

a.priapism – pain in the penis, and it surroundings lasting more than 24hrs
b. severe hypotension – decreased energy, fatigue, sleepiness the next day
c. Heart attack due to increased circulation load on the heart.
d. sudden hearing loss.

7. Common Mistakes that reduce the effect of the medication?

a. Taken without any urge to have sex or sexual stimulation. This leads to the body utilizing it in other ways than erectile function.

b. If taken after a high-fat meal, its absorption into the blood stream in reduced. This delays its action by nearly one hour and decreases its efficacy by nearly 70%.

c. Taken after a person is mentally and physically fatigued.

d. Taken by patients of premature ejaculation. – the drug will increase the erection time but decrease the ejaculatory time. Resulting in further agony for the patient.


Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS,PGDPM, MBPS, MD(mindmantra))

Motivational Speaker - Mind Trainer –
Emotional, Behavioral, Sleep, Memory and Sexual Health Consultant at Mind Mantra.
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Facebook profile link -!/
Twitter profile link -!/HemanttMittal

Monday, June 14, 2010

Masturbation - 10 common Facts and Myths

Masturbation is defined in the dictionary as - "Excitation of one's own genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse."

Masturbation is the most widely used technique for sexual satisfaction worldwide. It’s estimated that 95 percent of males and 85 percent of females have used it and continually practice it.
The wide-spread indulgence into this form of pleasure has led to a strong taboo formation against it. Centuries old religious, social and political views have been distorted by personal thoughts of ill-educated people to create erroneous myths. These myths are further distorted as they cross from one generation to another.

10 of the most common myths that I have come across in my vast experience as a sexual medicine expert are as following:

Myth 1- Masturbation is bad.

Fact- The reason why society labels masturbation as bad is because it teaches you an extremely easy way to experiencing pleasure and fight anxiety. This fear factor was created as overindulgence can take your focus away from the struggles needed to succeed in life.
Medically- it’s a proven fact that the brain produces sexual hormones after the onset of puberty. As the storage of these hormones reaches a limit in the body, the mind automatically triggers a series of reactions for their utilization. This is manifested as masturbation, night-fall, or wet-dreams.

Myth 2- Masturbation is only for men not for women.

Fact- Since females attain sexual maturity earlier than males; such a myth was created from them not discovering the pleasures of sex at earlier age.
Medically- The Expression of Sexual hormones is governed by the same mind and body mechanisms in both men and women. Hence Masturbation is healthy technique irrespective of gender.

Myth 3- Masturbation is not sex. It’s only for frustrated people.

Fact- “mental rehearsal” or “visualization” is a technique used by the most successful sports persons, public speakers and businessmen to enhance performance in their respective trades. Sexually active people use masturbation in a sexually healing manner to enhance all aspects of their sexual self.
Example- imagine a person who has never played football. If he continuously visualizes himself as a great player, the day he actually gets on the field he will perform much better than a normal person.

Myth 4- The body has a limit of semen. If you keep masturbating you will finish it.

Fact- The testicles produce semen 24hrs from puberty till death of a normal human male. This will continue to happen until the reproductory organs are healthy.
The testicles produce semen at a slow rate. They can take up to 48hrs to produce enough semen for one satisfactory ejaculate. Hence over-indulgence in masturbation can lead to feeling of decrease in semen quantity.

Myth 5 –Masturbation decreases your growth. Semen has powder of bones.

Fact- Scientific mapping of the brain has proved that Growth is governed by the growth hormone. This hormone is governed by your genetics, the quality of food, exercise and sleep that you get. Masturbation is in no way associated with any factor of growth.
Hundreds of Tests on semen have proved it to be made of protein, sugar and mucus. Its yellowish color is provided by various secretions during its transit from testicles to penis. It doesn’t contain calcium in any quantity or quality. Henceforth it’s baseless to think it contains powder of bones

Myth 6 – Masturbation leads to acne, hair fall.

Fact- The fear created about the natural process called masturbation creates anxiety every time one indulges in it. This leads to the creation of a stress cycle. It’s this uncontrolled stress that leads to production of acne and hair fall.
Masturbation has to be accepted as a process needed to keep your sexual system healthy and active. If used in a sexually healing way, and performed guilt-free, it will never create stress. It will never lead to acne or hair fall. Sexually attractive people use it this way to boost their self-image and sexual appeal.

Myth 7- Masturbation leads to Decreased sexual performance.

Fact- Masturbation is a process meant to help the body in relieving sexual anxiety and creating a healthy sexual self for the time of intercourse.
If the mind and body are fed with taboo, myths and non-scientific information about masturbation they deviate from normal functioning. Instead of it healing properties, it’s used by the brain to generate sexual fear. Fear automatically decreases all senses of pleasure. The sexual basics of sensual touch, pleasurable fantasy and controllable long lasting performance are destroyed by fear.

Myth 8- Masturbation leads to psychological problems.

Fact- As explained above in myth 7, if masturbation is thought upon as a negative process it leads to generation of fear. This fear leads to mind, body and sexual effects. Recurrent and continuous thoughts about this fear, effects and masturbation lead to unstable psychological and emotional self.

Myth 9- Masturbation can harm the sexual organs.

Fact- if masturbation is practiced in a safe manner it will enhance to the development of sexual organs. Using external aids, excessive pressure can lead to injuries onto the sexual organs.

Myth 10- Masturbation leads to Sexually transmitted diseases or HIV/AIDS

Fact- STD (sexually transmitted diseases including HIV) as the name suggested can only be transmitted through contact with the body fluids of an infected person. Masturbation as per say can never lead to the same.
Medically- Masturbation with dirty hands, unhygienic conditions can leads to urinary tract infection.


Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS,PGDPM, MBPS, MD(mindmantra))

Motivational Speaker - Mind Trainer –
Emotional, Behavioral, Sleep, Memory and Sexual Health Consultant at Mind Mantra.
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Twitter profile link -!/HemanttMittal