Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sexual Addiction Screening Test

Sexual Addiction Screening Test

Sex has always been a taboo for society in general. Even thou Medical science has extensively researched upon this basic need of human nature, the findings have mostly been neglected by religious and social leaders. It was not till the 90’s when Hollywood movie star Michael Douglas, whom after the movie “basic instincts” admitted and got treatment for it that this disorder started to be taken seriously among the general population. The 2009 Tiger Woods scandal finally opened the pandora’s box and many people opened up to the idea of it being a serious disorder that can destroy personal and professional life of an individual.

Extensive research in the field of human psychology has helped in creating a simple questionnaire that can help determine the presence of sexual addiction within an individual.

The Sexual Addiction Screening Test or SAST is designed to assess the presence of any sexual obsessive compulsive or popularly known as Sexual Addiction behavior.

a. Sit comfortable

b. You can use a pen or pencil if you want to

c. Read the questions properly

d. Be true in answering.

e. Every question has to be answered in yes or no.

f. The questions have been formulated by extensive interviews with thousands of sexual addiction patients worldwide.

g. The questionnaire is too be performed with a lot of seriousness. Some of the questions might be very hard-hitting but they carry paramount importance to final diagnosis.

Let’s start:

1. Were you sexually abused as a child or adolescent?

2. Do you regularly purchase, download, or borrow sexual explicit magazines, novels or audio-video material?

3. Have you stayed in a romantic relationship even after they have become emotionally or physically abusive?

4. Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts or day dreams?

5. Do you feel that your sexual behavior is not normal?

6. Does your spouse, partner, friends or family members ever worry or complain about your sexual behavior?

7. Do you have trouble stopping your sexual behavior when you know it is inappropriate?

8. Do you ever feel bad about your sexual behavior?

9. Has your sexual behavior ever created problems for you and your family?

10. Have you ever sought help (counseling, friends advice or elderly advice) for sexual behavior you did not like?

11. Have you ever worried about people finding out about your sexual activities?

12. Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?

13. Have you ever participated in sexual activity in exchange for money or gifts?

14. Do you have times when you are excessively indulged into sexual behavior followed by time periods of complete celibacy or no sex at all?

15. Have you made efforts to quit a type of sexual activity and failed?

16. Do you spend emotional or financial energy to hide some of your sexual behavior from others?

17. Do you find yourself having multiple romantic relationships at the same time?

18. Have you ever felt degraded or guilty because of your sexual behavior?

19. Has sex or romantic fantasies been a way for you to escape from responsibilities, tasks or problems?

20. Do you feel depressed or guilty immediately after indulgence into sexual behavior?

21. Do you fantasies or engage in out of normal sexual behavior. (for example- pervert thoughts, sado-masochistic behavior)?

22. Has your sexual activity interfered with your personal or professional life?

23. Have you ever consciously dreamt or indulged in sexual activity with minors or family members?

24. Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire or fantasies of romance?

25. Do you ever think that your sexual desires are stronger than your will power?

Score :

0 points for every NO

1 point for every YES

Email your total score to  for diagnosis of the same.
For a in-depth complete analysis you can email your entire questions and answers.
All consultations are FREE and 100% confidential.


Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS, PGDPM, MBPS)
Mind, emotion and Sexual health consultant.
email –