Saturday, November 26, 2011

Learn how to control Men.

1.) Just say hi.

An international survey showed that men love it when a woman takes control and makes the first move.
"Just go over and say hi,"
You can go wrong with this tactic.

2.) Don't show-off your knowledge, create a challenge instead.
Ego kills the charm.
The more knowledge or discussions you get into, the less affection you develop.
Real Men love a challenge. So learn the art of gently poking fun and laughing... Teasing is a great challenge which makes men run after a girl.

3.) Learn to Listen.
The most important step after you have crossed the initial "hello" stage is to create a space in the guys heart. This can only be done if you listen to him.
I know you are eager to talk and share so many things with him, but before you reach that stage, make sure the guy is under your spell.
"you give something to get back a lot"
learn to listen.

4.) Ask guys questions
Real Men are Raw... While a new age breed spends hours in front of the mirror, those who are determined to achieve success in life, are out there doing something.
Ask a guy about his workout, his friends, his cars, his bikes and his likes and dislikes.
Don't jump to give an opinion about everything...
I once counseled a very successful Senior Manager in a Fortune 500 company, he was a great success in his profession but a bigger failure in relationships... He used to say "I know I'm not the best-looking guy, But the only thing that look for in a girl is to understand that all this money, cars, gadgets are my way of expressing love for her."

5.) Touch therapy.
Some men are desperately physical.. They just want to be touched and hugged all the time...
The greater lot is not. They like to keep it light and specific in public.
Learn his "comfort points".. were a light touch will send signals all over his body.
Learn the importance of  "pressure" in a hug.
become his touch therapist.

FEEL FREE to contact me on the above or any other mood swings, sleep, memory, thoughts, stress or sexual health related issues. -

Dr.Hemant Mittal  (MBBS, PG.DPM, M.D.(Mind Mantra Wellness Concepts - Mumbai))
Website -         
WELLNESS CLINIC - Next to Seawood Station (east), Navi Mumbai, Mumbai (India)
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