Statistics say 95% men and 87% women indulge in this activity at least once in their life...between age of 15-28yrs upto 30% get addicted to it... ironically an activity that gives instant pleasure is also one thats vastly misunderstood... Masturbation Addiction
1. What is Masturbation?
Masturbation is the self-stimulation of genitalia or sexual organs to achieve the height of sexual pleasure or orgasm.
2. Is it holy or unholy?
All religions call this an "unholy" behavior patter. Irrespective of it, everyone rich or poor, educated or uneducated, men or women, religious or atheist will try it more than once in their life.
Religions unfortunately end up creating irrational and stupid myths, fear and negative emotions related to it, which confuse an individual... It creates an undue fear that pushes one towards the addiction.
Religions should use scientific knowledge to bring control onto addictions.
Religions unfortunately end up creating irrational and stupid myths, fear and negative emotions related to it, which confuse an individual... It creates an undue fear that pushes one towards the addiction.
Religions should use scientific knowledge to bring control onto addictions.
Myths like masturbation leads to weakness, decrease in bone density or can cause impotence are completely baseless and proven wrong by hundreds of professional medical studies.
Medically, when performed in a controlled and periodic way, its a very healthy process. It helps to release psychologically stored sexual feelings that are very intrusive and havoc causing inside an individuals mind. This even prevents thoughts of rape or sexual assault and cheating on their spouses from developing.
Like stagnant water, which when kept for many days becomes stale and putrid. Sperms stored inside the testis for long term decrease the fertile nature of the sexual organs. Hence masturbation provides a great mean to release the old and help in development of new.
3. What is Masturbation Addiction?
There is no standard definition for over-masturbation or excessive masturbation. Every individual is endowed with a specific reproductive power.
Masturbation is considered healthy of releasing sexual feelings until it starts hampering your daily life.
When masturbation becomes a habit, it’s performed once every few days. This is a healthy process. But when the thoughts, images and need of masturbation starts to haunt an individual emotionally and psychologically it starts to become an addiction.
Like any other addiction, masturbation addiction once it sets in, leads to lot of physical and emotional complaints.
4. What are the symptoms?
You are most likely to be suffering from a Masturbation Addiction problem if you have 7 or more of the next 10 symptoms.
1. Performed on daily or for most of the days of a week
2. Masturbation is immediately or next day followed by excessive guilt and sadness.
3. Constant unsuccessful attempts to stop the habit.
4. Even minor Sexual stimulation compels you to indulge in the act. If not done, extreme restlessness, anger or irritation is experience.
5. Productive or working hours of the day are spent thinking about it..
6. Decrease in concentration levels as mind is occupied with stress related to the same.
7. Once the urge to perform is triggered, one doesnt think about the time, place or person he/she is with. He/she just looks for means to perform the act.
2. Masturbation is immediately or next day followed by excessive guilt and sadness.
3. Constant unsuccessful attempts to stop the habit.
4. Even minor Sexual stimulation compels you to indulge in the act. If not done, extreme restlessness, anger or irritation is experience.
5. Productive or working hours of the day are spent thinking about it..
6. Decrease in concentration levels as mind is occupied with stress related to the same.
7. Once the urge to perform is triggered, one doesnt think about the time, place or person he/she is with. He/she just looks for means to perform the act.
8. New and More explicit sexually material is searched and needed for arousal. As older or softer sexual material doesn't give the same sexually arousing effect.
9. Decreased social interaction specially with opposite gender members, because of the fear of sexually arousing negative thoughts or decreased sexual-confidence.
10. Sleep and appetite disturbance are seen due to the stress levels.
9. Decreased social interaction specially with opposite gender members, because of the fear of sexually arousing negative thoughts or decreased sexual-confidence.
10. Sleep and appetite disturbance are seen due to the stress levels.
5. What are the harmful effects?
It can lead to behavioral, psychological and sexual effects as:
a. Masturbation in public places
b. Reliance on masturbation as the only way of sexual gratification.
c. Harm or injuries to the genitals.
e. Decreased sexual performance with partner. As masturbation is sought to be only way of satisfaction.
f. Inability to perform action or guilt of performing the same leads to continuous irritability and anger due to the high stress and anxiety levels.
g. Decreased concentration in daily activity as mind is preoccupied with thoughts of the same
It can lead to behavioral, psychological and sexual effects as:
a. Masturbation in public places
b. Reliance on masturbation as the only way of sexual gratification.
c. Harm or injuries to the genitals.
e. Decreased sexual performance with partner. As masturbation is sought to be only way of satisfaction.
f. Inability to perform action or guilt of performing the same leads to continuous irritability and anger due to the high stress and anxiety levels.
g. Decreased concentration in daily activity as mind is preoccupied with thoughts of the same
6. How to treat it?a. You cannot treat it on your own. You can only identify that you have the problem.
Most people lack the will power to exert self control, this further decreases their self image. its advised that professional help of a counselor, sexologist or psychiatrist is taken to help you battle this problem.
b. First step is the Identification of current stress levels an individual is facing with.
c. It has to be started with Counseling for stress levels. Specialized techniques are used to target the stress levels.
d. if a severe obsessive component is observed, it indicates hyperactivity in the sexual thoughts producing areas of the brain. Counseling, exercises and treatment for the same is available.
For any further Information or query feel free to consult me:
Dr.Hemant Mittal
Sex counselor - NeuroPsychiatrist
email -
website -
Most people lack the will power to exert self control, this further decreases their self image. its advised that professional help of a counselor, sexologist or psychiatrist is taken to help you battle this problem.
b. First step is the Identification of current stress levels an individual is facing with.
c. It has to be started with Counseling for stress levels. Specialized techniques are used to target the stress levels.
d. if a severe obsessive component is observed, it indicates hyperactivity in the sexual thoughts producing areas of the brain. Counseling, exercises and treatment for the same is available.
For any further Information or query feel free to consult me:
Dr.Hemant Mittal
Sex counselor - NeuroPsychiatrist
email -
website -