Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Women – 20 Medical and Psychiatric facts about Sex.

“A powerful individual is one who is comfortable with his body”

Sex  is probably the most tabooed subject in our society. 90% of men and women are extremely shy to talk about it. As a sexual health counsellor at Mind Mantra Wellness Clinic, I have met thousands individuals (both men and women) who are going through extreme unhappiness because they haven’t been able to accept, express and enjoy their sexual desires.

 The following are essential medical facts that every man and woman in search of productive and stimulating sexual life, should be aware regarding the female sexual health:

1.     Women are more open to discuss about sex with their friends, than men. – Unfortunately as most of their friends also harbour half knowledge about it, this tends to propagate myths.

2.     A Higher number of women believe that sex is unholy. – If it was unholy, why would god let your body produce sex hormones which trigger desire and want.

3.     A woman takes between 10-12min to reach an orgasm – While a man take 3-5min. (what they show in porn movies is staged!!!)

4.     40% women accept to have or regularly masturbate. – The rest 60% suppress their desires. – It’s important to note that Continuous suppression of sexual desires, re-programs the body to think that sexual hormones are not required, henceforth decreasing the thoughts and want for sex in life.

5.     When women have an orgasm, their body secrete enormous amounts of oxytocin, also called “the bonding hormone”. This hormone is responsible for causing their brain to feel extremely attached to their partner. Hence sex carries an emotional significance to it.  Men don’t have the same, so sex is more of an exercise for them.

6.     84% women report to have sex simple to “keep the peace” or “Keep the husband happy” at home.

7.     More than 60% Indian woman have never experienced a complete pleasurable orgasm in their life.- Either they have never been thought the right way of having sex or their husbands are just focused onto intercourse. Remember sex is an exercise that’s much more than simple intercourse.

8.     Only 30% women reach orgasm during intercourse, compared to 75% men.

9.     60% women have faked an orgasm at some point of time in their lives.

10.   9 out of 10 sexually active women use a contraceptive method without consulting a professional. They mostly rely on friends and some elder family member to give them the information. – such information is 80% right, 20% wrong.

11.  For a woman to have an orgasm during sex, her amygdala of center for excessive thought generation must be turned off. Hence a woman who is extremely anxious, fearful, or spends too much time thinking might never reach an orgasm. – This is the major reason why most woman never achieve an orgasm and long for productive, fruitful and efficient sexual life.

12.  Upto 10% women have the need to of same-sex or “homosexual” attraction. This is much lower compared to upto 15-20% of males who feel the need for same.

13.  Upto 19% of women think about sex on a daily basis. – this category is dominated by either women with depression due to lack of complete sexual satisfaction by husband, woman with extremely high sexual desires due to medical problems like hypomania,  erotomania or nymphomania and woman with extremely high need to be centre of attraction.

14.  70% women would rather eat chocolate than have sex. – This reflects the poor quality of sexual life they are subjected to.

15.  In India Among contraceptives – The Pill is the most popular, followed by male condom, female condom and tubal sterilization.

16.  After 2nd year of marriage, most women report to have sex only a handful number of times. – Among married woman, upto 10% have never had sex in the past year. About 30% have had it less than 15 times in the year.

17.  Most women agree that their most satisfying sexual experiences happen when they feel connected to someone, rather than solely based on physical satisfaction.

18.  Working women within the higher income bracket are more prone to seek and be involved with multiple sexual partners – as their brain utilises sex as stress reliever for them.

19.  Women with high “inferiority complex” and extremely high dependency needs are most liable to be subjected to perversions. Most common perversions include forced sexual encounters with family members and being accomplice of their husbands unnatural sexual practices.

20.  The break of trust by a boyfriend or husband can trigger a woman to utilize sex as an instrument for personal, physical and professional self-satisfaction.

If you have any sexual health related problem, don't hesitate, contact me immediately... ALL COMMUNICATIONS ARE KEPT SECRET.

Dr.hemant Mittal
Neuro-Behavioural Consultant, Sexual Health and Wellness Expert
(MBBS, PG.DPM, M.D.(Mind Mantra Wellness Concepts - Mumbai))

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